Friday, May 31, 2013


The past few days have been rough. I came into Mackinaw City last Tuesday with a full head of steam and a smile on my face. The trail had been sweet and I was ahead of schedule. Just needed to grab my resupply box from the post office and I could cross the Mackinac Bridge to Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Unfortunately, my box wasn't there. No problem. I could just stealth camp outside of town and get my box the next day. Except it wasn't there then, either. Or the next day. Or the next day. 

Waiting forever to cross the Mackinac Bridge 
Mackinaw is a nice little town. At first. It's full of stores selling tee shirts and fudge to tourists. But after four days, I was just plain sick of it. And they were sick of me. Nearly everyone I interacted with had seen me walking up and down the sidewalks with my giant backpack. My spirits were low. I was fighting a horrible rash and I had a prescription for antibiotics but there's no pharmacy in Mackinaw. I seriously thought about quitting. Or at least coming home for a few days to heal and rest. 
         Finally, on Friday, my box had arrived (thanks Martha!). I crossed the bridge, got my   
         script filled and was feeling better. I even ran into Kay Kujawa and her husband. She's 
         the Chapter President of the Hiawatha Shore To Shore section of the North Country 
         Trail. They gave me maps and information that I really needed. Those folks work hard 
         maintaining their section of the trail and it was a pleasure to meet them  and thank them 
         in person.  

I'll be on the North Country National Scenic Trail all across the Upper Peninsula. 
Next stop is in Grand Marais for rest and resupply. Ever been there? Leave me a comment!


  1. Beats me why a Priority Mail box has to go to Chicago,Elk Grove, back to Chicago, Grand Rapids, Gaylord and then to Mackinaw City! That's 7 business days...7!!
    Aren't you glad when you called me and said, "Hello Martha? This is Chris. My leg hurts and my resupply is late. Will you come get me?" (whiney little girl voice) that I said NO!!???

    1. I AM glad. I'm glad that you know the difference between "I really need to come home." and "I'm tired and angry and want to quit." That's part of what makes you a great resupply coordinator!

  2. Martha knows you well. My mother instinct had me halfway out the door wanting to drive up there and force you into my car. The only thing that stopped me was your warning that people can smell you coming right now. No offense, but I am feeling very bonded to my new car right now. Ha ha! Just kidding but I am glad you were able to push through after your four-day forced vacation in Mackinaw City.

    1. Hi Susie! Thanks for the post. Mackinaw was a drag but (with your help) I was able to ride it out and push on. I am now in Grand Marais and feeling good. My resupply was here on time and I've met some really cool people. Back to the trail tomorrow and Munising in about 3 days. I'll be in touch.

  3. When life gives you lemons... oh well, at least you won't get scurvy.

  4. Thank you for posting KS! Do I know you?
