Sunday, June 2, 2013

What a Wolverine Eats...

Martha here-
A bunch of people ask me what Wolverine eats while he's on the trail.  The answer is---anything!  Rice, pasta, hot sauce, granola bars, oatmeal, TVP, tuna in foil pouches, jerky, pop tarts, vienna sausages, trail mix, his sister Carol makes fantastic seasoning packets that he uses on rice, beans and pasta. Here are some great pics he sent showing a meal.



Any food you might have part of a box of, something you think you and your family won't use, please feel free to send my way  (email me or message me on facebook or here) and I'll get it to Wolverine. Donations of food are always welcome and help fuel Wolverine's body and spirit North and through this new trail.  Likewise, there is a button at the top left of this page to donate money.  Any and ALL money donated goes to Wolverine's hike.  Through kindness and generosity, we got him through the PCT and the AT, we can do the same with this trail!
Thank you in advance and stay posted! 


  1. Hey, this is Matt from NCTA. I've got some maps for Chris. I sent him an email with the info. We'd be glad to send these maps out to him if we can get a time and location. Also, if he's using a GPS we've got some data that goes with the maps. In any case you can email me directly -

    1. Matt - I just got to Grand Marais and I got the maps you sent. Thank you so much! You really helped me out and I appreciate it. Chris

  2. Hello there! This is Alicia and Genna from Muskallonge Lake State Park. It was great to see Chris and hear about his journey, hope that we helped with our maps and good spirits. Can't wait to hear about how your trip is going on from this point on! Good luck and stay safe!

    Your friends from Muskallonge Lake State Park

    1. Alicia and Genna! You guys are the best! Thank you for all the info, the maps and the food (mmmmm.... almonds and craisans). I'm heading into Pictured Rocks tomorrow. Wish me luck! Muskallonge Lake State Park rocks!

  3. Hi Ladies,
    This is Martha, Chris's friend and resupply co ordinator. I'm glad to hear you saw him. Was it Saturday or a different day?
    I'm hoping he hits Grand Marais today, Sunday.
    Thanks for your post and keep watching!
