Friday, September 13, 2013

Walkin' the walk

I've been talkin' the talk for weeks. Now it's time to hit the trail and do what I do best. I'm going lighter than I've ever gone before because I've got so much support so close to me. If I wind up in a pinch, I've got a list of phone numbers I can call thanks to Nancy Krupiarz and the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance. They have been so helpful in planning this hike. I would love for people to go to the website and leave a comment for them. Or me. Heck, just go to the website and check it out!

Not bringing as much food as normal. I'll have access to re-supply along the way plus I need to make miles so no need to overload the pack. This will get me through the first few days:

And, of course, custom spices to flavor this otherwise bland diet. My sister Carol makes these for me, special.

I'll be starting from South Haven in a couple of hours. I'm meeting with a reporter from the  South Haven Tribune, the Mayor of South Haven and Jeff Kindy and his gang from A Sight To Remember on the beach of Lake Michigan to begin this hike. I'll also be attending the ribbon cutting ceremony in Putnam Township to help dedicate the Lakelands Trail. All of this is in celebration of Michigan Trails Week which is from September 21st to September 28th. I will be celebrating, appropriately, by hiking.

I hope everyone will mark Saturday, September 28th on their calendars and consider coming out to Port Huron to welcome Chris Bowman and I to town. Not exactly sure where we're gonna dip into Lake Huron to complete our adventure but, wherever it is, there will be story telling and beer flowing.

And I'm sure this goofy dog will be waiting just inside the door for me when I get back. She always is.


  1. Be safe my friend! Ill see ya in 2 weeks.

  2. safe travels! I SHOULD have the 28th off of work, so hopefully my wife and I can come out and say hello!

  3. Safe travels, Chris. See you on the 21st!

  4. Great post! Hope to see more along the way. Probably more cell towers along the way than on the PCT, right?

    1. Right! I should be able to keep in touch with everyone and let them know where I'm at. I'll see you on Suday, the 22nd!

  5. Replies
    1. It can be a little bland but that's where Sister Carol's spices come in. Thanks for the comment!

  6. Ruby can't wait for you to get back...she's coming to Port Huron.
    Be safe. Have fun. Keep in touch.
    Go Wolverine!
