Friday, August 16, 2013

The Next Big Hike

My return trip to Ironwood, MI was amazing. I have developed a sincere fondness for this city and I was excited to be invited back for the Governor of Michigan to dedicate the trailhead of what I refer to as The Ironwood Trail; he called it the Pure Michigan Trail.  There were marching bands and TV interviews and good vibes all around. Some of the crowd had specific messages they were trying to convey to our leadership:

Even the drive up to Ironwood was great. Ten hours with Roger and Sue Storm went by like ten minutes. These two are a wealth of information about hiking in Michigan and Roger did, after all, design the trail that I just hiked.

During my visit, I gave a presentation about my hike at the Maplewood Steakhouse. It was nice to talk trail with an enthusiastic audience and enjoy some Michigan craft beer.

My hosts for this incredible trip were Bob and Annette Burchell at the Classic Motor Inn and my dear friend Lee-Ann Garske from the Downtown Ironwood Development Authority.  She made this entire trip possible, including a ride from Ironwood to Traverse City with my new best friends Denise and Rachel Stephens.

Bob Burchell, Me, Annette Burchell, Lee-Ann Garske

Not only did they get me back downstate, they let me stay at their BEAUTIFUL home right on Long Lake in Traverse City. This was the view out of my window when I woke up in the morning:

I really hope to make it back to Ironwood this winter for the SISU Ski Fest. This part of the state really has a grip on me. Find out why here.

Why? Because up here, even the statues wear a Kromer

Okay, let's get to the reason you clicked on this stupid blog: To see what's next. One project I'm really excited about is called A Sight To Remember. These are visually impaired folks who want to taste the sweet life of the long distance hiker and I want to help them. I'm also working with the MTGA planning a hike of the Great Lake to Lake Trail but my main focus, the thing that leaves me tossing and turning at night, is the mighty Continental Divide Trail. The King of the Trails. Three thousand miles of no-joke hiking. I'll confess right now - I'm intimidated as hell.  Better hikers than I have attempted this trail and been turned away. Come next April, I'd like to give it a shot.

If I made it, I'd forever be known as a 'Triple Crowner'

Think I can do it? Leave me a comment!


  1. Yes we ya J&P

  2. Of course you can do it! We are behind you all they way!

    1. Thanks, Jeff. Looking forward to some hiking and camping with you and your son on September 14th.

  3. Pft. I'm not sure why this is even a question to you.

    1. I appreciate your confidence, Schrody, but better hikers than me are getting their butts kicked by that trail. Peru, for example. We both know she's a badass hiker and she couldn't do it. Ron 'Train' Ulrich blew through the PCT but couldn't deal with the PCT. Even my archrival THE Michigan Wolverine came home. What chance have I got?

    2. "Well, I have $0.25 and there's an off-off-brand soda machine just next door..."

      You have actual navigation skills and the ability to connect with the larger (non-hiking) community. And Support, in the form of Martha, me, and all those wishing you well. You know how to get through long waterless stretches, and are no stranger to long roadwalks or bushwhacks. Plus you stealth it like a mutha.

      And if you ever doubt your abilities, maybe you could think back (fondly? ambivalently? with regrets?) to meeting this weird chick with short legs limping along in VA with enough food for ten days but still pulling 18-20, and you could ask yourself why not. Then ask yourself: Where else would you rather be?

    3. Fondly. Definitely fondly.

      Good advice, I'll take it.

  4. Well Chris, when you finish warming up on the CDT, we'll welcome you as the next great hiker on the North Country National Scenic TRail.... :)

    1. Thanks, Bruce. I can't wait to see how Strider does. Right now, I can barely fathom hiking 4,600 miles. The snow shoes, the solitude... The myriad challenges I'd have to overcome to do a trail like that. I guess that's why only 3 people in the world have thru-hiked it in one season.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Martha. Use this reply as a test. Please let me know if you get an automatic email notification that I responded to your comment.

  6. Hi Wolverine! Thanks for commenting on MQD. I have to come back and read your blog more. Hope we meet one of these days.

    Joan of Shark, Sharkey, Joan, whatever...

  7. Stay focused and you can do it!! And if you can get to Grand Rapids, I can get you back to Ironwood for SISU, I'm hoping to get there myself. It was awesome meeting you!

    1. Rachel! Thank you for leaving a comment! You and your mom are two of the kindest, coolest people I've ever met. Thank you, again, for getting me (closer to) home and for letting me stay at your beautiful 'cottage' (ha!). I'll be in touch about SISU. Thanks!

  8. Hey Chris you are some one I'd like to hike the CDT with. Can you contact me at Followed your blogs and wished I was there. Enjoyed hiking with you while on the PCT.

    1. SSgt Murphy!! Great to hear from you!! Emailing you now...

  9. When you do the CDT, we will meet you in Montana. If you do the whole thing at once, how long will it take?....
