Friday, June 21, 2013


What an amazing time. I called Trail Angel and Hikers Chapter President Lorana Jinkerson when I was still about 10 miles outside of town. I was thrilled to hear that fellow hiker Strider was at her home. I had been looking forward to meeting this guy for weeks. He's only 23 and he was taking on the entire 4,600 mile North Country Trail as his first big thru-hike. 

From the moment I arrived, there were TV and newspaper interviews to do and everyone wanted to take us out to eat! I couldn't believe it. Usually, if you're lucky enough for a Trail Angel to put you up for the night, you might get a cot, a meal and maybe a shower. Here, we were being treated like stars. We were being interviewed and meeting people from the North Country Trail Association and going to all these nice restaurants... It was fantastic. 
This is Strider in front of Lorana's incredible 'earth home'.  Follow Strider's adventure's at

Out for (another!) delicious meal with folks from the North Country Trail Association at the Vierling Brewpub in Marquette. Great company, great food, great beer...

This is Jennifer Perez from Channel 6 filming me.
Everyone was so kind to us and it was a pleasure for us to be able to thank the people, in person, who work really hard to maintain the trail, for all their hard work. Plus, I got to ask Strider about the trail immediately ahead of me. He had lots of good advice. 

This is the official paint that trail crews everywhere use to paint blazes on trees. I can think of many times when I was really glad to see a blaze and know that I was on the right path. Of corse Lorana has gallons of it in her garage. 

Trail Angel, PHD, Author, Chapter President, Dear Friend: Lorana Jinkerson. She is the bomb. 
So now I have my resupply (thanks Martha!). I had two good nights of rest on a real bed. I have a belly full of good food. I have all these new friends rooting for me. I have plenty of time and beautiful trail ahead of me. I can't wait to get back to doing what I do best. 

Anyone out there ever been hiking in the Porcupine Mountains? That's where I'm headed. Leave me a comment!


  1. I'm jealous of all the beer your drinking on this hike!

    1. The slogan for the Contomemtal Divide Trail is 'Embrace the Brutality'. The slogan for the North Country Trail should be 'Imbibe the Brewtality'!

  2. Continental - just Wolverine's typo!

  3. Hi Lorana. This Martha, Wolverine/Chris's friend and resupply co ordinator. I was just teasing him. We always make fun of each other for our typos.
    Thank you for helping him so much while he was in Marquette. He can't stop talking about how great you and Marquette are.

  4. Martha - U got me! 'Contomemtal' is like 'Continental' but it's an even tougher trail. I'm gonna be the first to thru-hike it.

    Lorana 'Dr. J' Jinkerson is a very generous person.

  5. You gonna need a resupply co orminayor?
