Friday, May 10, 2013

Trail Angels

Trail angels come in all shapes, sizes and places.

So far, on this Michigan hike, Chris/Wolverine has met several.  There was the lady in McDonalds who gave him a gift card.  She did not know him or know of him, just saw the backpack, listened to his story and gave.  Then there was a man and his son who walked across their field to offer Chris water.  And a railroad worker who saw Chris walking along the tracks, listened to his tale and also offered water.  To a hot, hungry, lonely hiker these people are angels.  Random acts of kindness and thoughtfulness that are hugely appreciated.

Before this hike started, Chris was contacted by a man named Jerry Allen.  Jerry lives by the Midland to Mackinaw trail and with his wife Connie is a long distance hiker and maintains the trail.   Yesterday, walking along M30, a car pulled up to Chris, asked him if he was Chris Hillier and and then said that he was Jerry Allen!  He gave Chris a ride to his house where Chris was able to have a shower, a wonderful dinner of pulled pork and talk trail with Jerry and Connie!  He also slept in a warm, soft bed.

People don't realize what these acts of kindness mean to a hiker.  The phone call I got from Chris yesterday was ecstatic!  

So thank you to all of those out there who stop, think of someone else, share coffee, a smile, listen and ask questions, offer water, their home...trail angels are the best!


  1. Glad things are going well. Lets hear more about the trail, conditions, where you camped, etc. Us hikers stuck at work want a little vicarious hiking! A map showing daily progress would be cool.

  2. Martha here Anonymous. Sometimes it's difficult to create posts as connectivity can be off. I can tell you that Chris has averaged about 14 miles a day, has had to do more road walking than he'd like, is keeping copious notes, and loves the trail so far.
    He has camped in a churchyard, about 15 feet off of Lapeer road and several sites in the woods.
    When I talk to him next, I will ask him about some more updates and pass them along here.
    Thank you for following the blog!

  3. Hi, when you get near Marquette, let me know. You are welcome to stay a night or two at my B & B for hikers - that is Bed and Bath! 906-226-6210 or

    1. Hi Lorana!

      I absolutely WILL call you when I get near Marquette! Very kind of you to offer.


  4. Why are you in a McDonald's?! That stuff is poison!

  5. Hi Chris. Just letting you know that your friends at Good Shepherd are tracking your progress and keeping you in our prayers for continued safe travels!

    1. Thanks Irene! I know that you guys are praying for my and I appreciate it. I'm doing well so far and enjoying the hike. I'll be back in Taylor on May 18th to participate in the Relay For Life if anyone wants to see me. I'll be getting back to the trail right after that and crossing into the UP soon.
