Saturday, April 27, 2013

Martha Here:
After hiking 24 miles yesterday, Wolverine set up camp in the Clinton River Park.  For the next few days he'll hike the Paint Creek Trail and the Polly Ann Trail.

It will take his navigation, knowledge of the land and what he sees to get from one trail to the next.
Go, Wolverine!


  1. Chris, way to go! Gorgeous day to hike! Lee

    1. Thanks, Lee! It IS a gorgeous day to hike. I'm gonna try to make miles while the sun is shining!

  2. Hey Wolverine! My boyfriend and I also hiked the PCT in 2012! We're living in Lansing now, and are planning to hike part of the NCT in the UP this summer. Maybe we will run into you! Please let us know if you need any hiking company or trail magic!

    -Gully (and Tortuga)

    1. Hi Gully and Tortuga!
      What a pleasure to hear from other long distance hikers living in Michigan. There's not that many of us! Thank you so much for your offer of magic. Heaven holds a special place for people who are BOTH hikers AND angels. I hope to be crossing the bridge in early June and then my trail will coincide with the NCT all the way to Ironwood. Wouldn't it be cool for us to meet up in the UP somewhere?! We have to keep an eye out for 'Stryder'. He's attempting a thru-hike of the entire NCT and I hope to pass him in the UP. Let's keep in touch: email me at or find me on Facebook as Hiker Resupply.
