Thursday, April 25, 2013

This is it!

This is the trail, as yet unnamed, that Gov Snyder has directed the Michigan DNR to complete. The areas in red are not established trail. Mostly road-walking and bushwhacking. That's part of why i want to do this trail: To asses it for navigability and maintenance needs. You can read more about it here.

This map shows the correct mileage at 924 miles. There's lots of talk about the trail in the Detroit Free Press

The above map shows not only the proposed trail but also the North Country Trail and the Shore To Shore Trail. These two maps, plus Google Earth on my iPhone and my housemates and I driving around on weekends trying to find the trail, are all I have to go by. Hopefully, that's all I'll need.


  1. This Pathway is a scam. Our DNR is destroying the largest Great Blue Heron nesting site at this moment to finish the links on this BIKE Pathway. That is what this really is. I resigned from the Trails Advisory Committee over such horrible behaviour from our DNR. The Department of New Recreation. They no longer care about or do anything to take care of our Natural Resources. Hike the North Country Trail. It is a real Trail and not a BIKE Pathway. It is Volunteers who have created this Trail and worked hard to make it happen. Not criminals from the state who have taken our PASSPORT money and spend it on endless BIKE PATHWAYS. Do Not be fooled by these people. Their main manipulator is the Greenways Alliance. Another Non-Profit group who would have closed their doors a couple of years ago until they came to the DNR with their insane ideas of connecting everything in our state with a BIKE PATHWAY. Do Not give them the publicity.

    1. Those are some strong opinions from the Hiking Michigan website and I welcome them on my blog. They've certainly given me something to think about. I need to do more research on the subject.

  2. Attempting a thru hike of Gov. Snyder's trail will be about getting outside, walking for health and enjoying all that Michigan has to offer.
    Wolverine's hike will include finding the safest, most convenient ways to link many trails together and reporting back to the DNR and governor.
    As for destroying a Great Blue Heron Rookery, the DNR has stated that it will take 2-3 years to complete this trail. The Rookery exists in an already established park. I may be wrong, but it seems the governor's trail might include this park, but not destroy it, as it is the Paint Creek Trail and many others.
    Whether on foot or bike, isn't exercise, good publicity for Michigan and encouraging people to get outside a good idea?

  3. The journey starts tomorrow, April 26 at 7am!

  4. Chris Hillier - dear old friend - I've been searching and searching and I finally found you, good thanks to the article in the newspaper and a mom who still reads it! What a great adventure you are about to embark upon. Would love to see you!! From the pictures, you look exactly the same - with a beard. Be well. Erica Wolff. Feel free to get in touch at

    1. Erica! So good to hear from you. I'm sending you email right now.
